Vol. 5, issue 05, article # 11

Geints Yu. E., Zemlyanov A. A. On moistening of ash particles in smoke plumes of industrial sources. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1992. V. 5. No. 05. P. 337-342.    PDF
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The formation of liquid water shell around aerosol particles in a moist atmo­sphere is one of the main factors lowering the accuracy of lidar measurements of the intensity of aerosol emissions from plant stacks. A theoretical investigation of the process of the water shell growth around an aerosol particle in a stack plume is carried out based on the Gaussian model of the stack plume with slant axis. The investigation concerns also the influence of different meteorological situations and of the plume parameters on this process. Numerical calculations have shown, that at high humidity of the emission jet at a stack mouth there can occur a zone in the plume where the water vapor is supersaturated and as a result the liquid water content of such an aerosol is high. Diurnal and seasonal variations of temperature and humidity in the boundary atmospheric layer can essentially influence the process of liquid water shell formation around aerosol particles.