Vol. 4, issue 06, article # 10

El'nikov A. V., Zuev V. V., Marichev V. N. Lidar data on vertical aerosol stratification over Western Siberia (1986-1989). // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1991. V. 4. No. 06. P. 462-465.    PDF
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Some results of laser sounding (at λ = 532 nm) of the vertical structure of the stratospheric aerosol obtained in 1986–1989 are presented. The winter and summer profiles of the scattering ratio obtained in different years as well as the temporal behavior of the height of the maximum of the aerosol–layer are given. Based on the obtained data, the interannual features peculiar to the profiles of the scattering ratios for main seasons (winter and summer) and the seasonal variations of the height of the maximum of the aerosol–layer, which follow the temporal behavior of the tropopause height, have been determined. The measurements agree fairly well with the data available from the literature.


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