Vol. 37, issue 04, article # 2

Razhev A. M., Churkin D. S., Tkachenko R. A. Penning neon laser pumped by a pulsed inductive longitudinal discharge. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2024. V. 37. No. 04. P. 279–282. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20240402 [in Russian].
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Laser radiation in the yellow wavelength range is widely used in ophthalmology due to its effectiveness and unique properties. Commercial medical laser systems existing today have low pulse power and other disadvantages. A yellow neon laser with a wavelength of 585.3 nm can be proposed as an alternative. This paper describes the experimental study of a neon laser pumped by a pulsed inductive longitudinal discharge. A Ne–H2 gas mixture with various ratios is used as the active medium. The shape and duration of the lasing pulses strongly depend on the ratio Ne : H2, providing both single and double pulses with a total duration of 30 to 100 ns (FWHM). The generation energy reaches 20 mJ, which corresponds to a pulse power of 200 W. The cross-section of the laser beam has a shape close to a circle, with a divergence less than 2 mrad. Further, with implementing a pulse-periodic operating mode of an induction neon laser with a pulse repetition rate of up to 100 Hz, it can be used for various applications, including in medicine.


pulsed inductive longitudinal discharge, Penning laser, yellow laser, inductive neon laser, pulsed power



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