Vol. 36, issue 05, article # 8

Tsydenov B. O. Effects of wind and topography on the dynamics of the autumnal thermal bar in Lake Baikal. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 05. P. 381–386. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230508 [in Russian].
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The combined effect of wind and lake topographic characteristics on the temperature distribution and autumnal thermal bar evolution on an example of Lake Baikal was studied by numerical modeling. It was determined that under meteorological conditions in November 1–30, 2015, the thermal bar behavior at an initial stage of its development on the Boldakov River – Maloye More Strait cross-section was more sensitive to the wind action than that on the Srednyaya arm (Selenga River Delta) – the Buguldeika River cross-section. However, faster water cooling and thermal front propagation take place in the Selenga shallow water basin.


bottom topography, wind, autumnal thermal bar, numerical modeling, Lake Baikal


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