Vol. 36, issue 04, article # 3

Starikov V. I., Petrova T. M., Solodov A. M., Solodov A. A., Dеichuli V. M. Experimental and theoretical analysis of the broadening of H2O absorption lines by monatomic gases in a wide spectral range. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 04. P. 262–279. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230403 [in Russian].
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The results obtained at Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS and abroad in studying the broadening and shifts of H2O absorption lines by monatomic gases He, Ar, Kr, and Xe are reviewed. The experimental studies at IAO SB RAS were carried out in the spectral range 3200–11200 cm-1 using a Bruker IFS 125 Fourier spectrometer. The broadening and shift coefficients were measured for the lines of 24 vibrational bands with maxim of vibrational quantum numbers v1 = 3, v2 = 6, and v3 = 3 and of rotational quantum numbers J = 14 and Ka = 8. The calculations were carried out by the semiclassical method using effective vibrationally dependent potentials. The experimental and calculated values of the broadening and shift coefficients are compared. Using the analytical model γ(sur), available experimental data on the broadening coefficients are analyzed, and their incompatibility is revealed in some cases. The model parameters γ(sur) are determined which allow generating the coefficients of broadening of H2O absorption lines by He, Ar, Kr, and Xe atoms in the range 350–14000 cm-1.


broadening and shift coefficients, water molecule, monatomic gas, intermolecular potential


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