Vol. 36, issue 03, article # 4

Astafurov V. G., Skorokhodov A. V., Kuriyanovich K. V. Variability of parameters of single-layer cloud fields over Western Siberia in summer for the period from 2001 to 2019 according to MODIS data. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2023. V. 36. No. 03. P. 188–195. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20230304 [in Russian].
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We present the results of the assessment of multiyear variability for the parameters of single-layer cloud fields over the territory of Western Siberia in summer in 2001 to 2019 based on MODIS data. The seasonal average proportion of coverage by single-layer clouds of different types and values of their features are determined based on the results of cloud classification from summer (June, July, August) daily satellite images of the target region. Parameters of single-layer clouds are considered for three latitudinal zones of Western Siberia: southern (< 60° N), transitional (60–65° N), and northern (> 65° N). We found linear trends of the proportion of coverage by different single-layer cloud types and of their parameters: optical thickness, effective particle radius, waterpath, and cloud top height. A discussion of the results is given. The greatest variability of the physical parameters considered in this work is characteristic of the vertical development and low-level clouds in the northern and transition zone of the target region. The effect of anomalous blocking anticyclones on some features of different cloud types in the considered latitudinal zones of Western Siberia is shown.


Western Siberia, single-layer clouds, physical parameters, multiyear trend, satellite data, blocking anticyclone


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