Vol. 35, issue 09, article # 4

Marichev V. N., Bochkovskii D. A., Elizarov A. I. Optical-aerosol model of the Western Siberian stratosphere based on lidar monitoring results. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 09. P. 717–721. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220904 [in Russian].
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In this work, the long-term series of vertical stratification of aerosol in the stratosphere are processed and analyzed with the use of the scattering ratio as an example, as well as the vertical distribution of aerosol scattering coefficients at a wavelength of 532 (altitude range 15–50 km) over Tomsk. The experimental data were received from regular measurements at the lidar station of Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, in 2010–2021. On the basis of the accumulated experimental material, regional features of the intra- and interannual variability of the stratospheric aerosol in Western Siberia were revealed. An optical-aerosol model of the atmosphere is suggested for this region, more adequate to actual conditions are compared to existing ones.


stratosphere, aerosol, aerosol backscatter coefficient, lidar



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