Vol. 35, issue 09, article # 2

Zhamsueva G. S., Khodzher T. V., Balin Yu. S., Zayakhanov A. S., Tsydypov V. V., Penner I. E., Nasonov S. V., Marinaite I. I. Experimental studies of aerosol and gas admixtures in the near layer of the atmosphere of Lake Baikal (ship expedition, September, 2021). // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 09. P. 704–710. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220902 [in Russian].
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The paper presents the results of complex experimental studies of gas impurities and the vertical structure of aerosol in the atmosphere over Lake Baikal in September 2021, using the research vessel (RV) “Academician V.A. Koptyug”. Measurements of gaseous impurities in the near-air layer were carried out using local control means – chemiluminescent gas analyzers. The sounding of aerosol fields was carried out using a multi-frequency polarization aerosol-Raman lidar “LOSA-A2”. Compared to previous expeditions, in 2021, low concentrations of gaseous impurities and aerosols, close to the background ones, were recorded. The analysis showed that the main contribution to atmospheric pollution was made by nearby local sources located near the coastal zone of the lake.


Lake Baikal, tropospheric ozone, nitrogen oxides, aerosol, lidar, forest fires, RV «Academician V.А. Koptyug»



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