Vol. 35, issue 04, article # 4

Troitskii V. O. Second harmonic generation optimization under limited power density of fundamental radiation. Part 2. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 04. P. 271–278. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220404 [in Russian].
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The process of second harmonic generation (SHG) of laser radiation in a BBO crystal is theoretically studied with the aim of determining optimal values of focusing and wave detuning parameters providing maximal SHG efficiency. This optimization problem is solved under an additional condition, that is, the maximal radiation power density should not exceed an a priori specified value. No restrictions are posed on the radiation power. The study consists of two parts. This is the second part of the work, where the influence of the additional condition on the process and results of solution of the optimization problem is studied using rigorous methods for solution of a system of nonlinear wave equations. The main results of the studies are the dependences of the maximum attainable SHG efficiency on the laser radiation power. It is shown that the optimal values of focusing and wave detuning parameters can be found with the use of the preset field approximation, which significantly reduces the amount of calculations, in many practical cases.


significantly nonlinear second harmonic generation mode, solution to a set of nonlinear equations, preset field approximation, optimization of focusing and wave detuning parameters


  1. Troitskii V.O. Optimizatsiya protsessa generatsii vtoroj garmoniki pri ogranichennoj plotnosti moshchnosti osnovnogo izlucheniya. Part 1 // Optika atmosf. i okeana. 2021. V. 34, N 10. P. 825–833; Troitskii V.O. Second harmonic generation optimization under limited power density of fundamental radiation: Part 1 // Atmos. Ocean. Opt. 2022. V. 35, N 1. P. 81–88.