Vol. 35, issue 01, article # 8

Veretennikov V. V., Men'shchikova S. S. Annual variability of aerosol microstructure according to the data of horizontal transparency of the atmosphere in Tomsk. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2022. V. 35. No. 01. P. 51–62. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20220108 [in Russian].
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The annual variability of aerosol microstructure of the near-surface aerosol has been studied based on solving the inverse problem for spectral measurements of aerosol extinction coefficient. The numerical algorithm based on the method of integral distributions was used to solve the inverse problem. The geometrical section, volume concentration, and mean radius of aerosol particles are considered. Aerosol microstructure parameters were estimated for the fine and coarse fractions and the total ensemble of particles. Estimates of the statistical characteristics of the distributions of aerosol microstructure parameters on monthly intervals are obtained. It has been shown that the fine particles make the main contribution to the total geometrical cross section of the near-surface aerosol, which varies within 73–88%. The coarse fraction predominates in the volume content of the near-surface aerosol, averaging about 75% over the entire observation period. During the observation period, the dependences of the monthly mean values of the geometrical cross section and the volume concentration of the fine aerosol had a monotonically increasing character. The volume concentration of fine particles has increased more than four times. The monthly average values of the volume concentration of coarse particles have changed twice.


near-surface aerosol microstructure, aerosol extinction coefficient, inverse problem


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