Vol. 34, issue 06, article # 12

Khutorova O. G., Khutorov V. E. Parameters of wave processes from GNSS data. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 06. P. 458–462. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210612 [in Russian].
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Synoptic spatiotemporal variations with 3–60 day periods are studied based on the remote sensing data from the GLONASS GPS receiver network in 2012–2015. The main modes of synoptic variations are found empirical distributions of their amplitudes, phase velocities, and spatial scales are constructed. The seasonal dependences of these parameters are found. Using independent data from meteorological stations and ERA5 reanalysis, it is shown that variations in radio waves zenith troposphere delay, integral moisture content of the atmosphere, surface refractive index, and wind speed in the troposphere are determined by the same synoptic atmospheric processes. The most probable values of their wavelengths do not exceed 8000 km.


GNSS, GLONASS, GPS, waves in the atmosphere


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