Vol. 34, issue 04, article # 6

Firsov K. M., Chesnokova T. Yu., Razmolov A. A. Influence of aerosol and clouds on characteristics of the underlying surface, measured by Sentinel-2A in lower Volga region. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 04. P. 285–291. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210406 [in Russian].
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A broadband model for simulation of the transfer of shortwave solar radiation in the Earth’s atmosphere for spectral channels of radiometers placed in Sentinel-2A satellites is developed. This model is based on line-by-line calculations of absorption spectra with use of modern spectroscopic information and following parameterization of the transmission functions of radiation in the form of short exponent series, which allows one to apply standard method of discrete ordinates to solution of the radiative transfer equation for each exponential component. The errors in the spectral brightness coefficients of the surface due to uncertainties of aerosol extinction in Sentinel-2A channels are estimated for typical optical-meteorological conditions of the lower Volga region.


atmospheric radiative transfer, spectral brightness, aerosol, cirrus clouds, satellite radiometer


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