Vol. 34, issue 02, article # 5

Kalinskaya D. V., Kudinov O. B. Influence of the atmospheric transport of suspended particles PM10 on the optical characteristics of the Black Sea surface layer. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2021. V. 34. No. 02. P. 107–111. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20210205 [in Russian].
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The event of the autumn transport of PM10 from the east to the Black Sea water area and coastal zone is studied. Optical characteristics of the suspended particles are analyzed based on field and satellite data. A correlation is shown between the variability of optical characteristics of PM10 and an increase in the fluorescence intensity of dissolved organic matter in the sea surface layer, measured at the northeastern coast of the Black Sea from the “Professor Vodyanitsky” research vessel.


atmosphere, aerosol, microparticles, concentration, MODIS, AERONET, HYSPLIT, CALIPSO, PM2.5, PM10, MPC



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