Vol. 33, issue 10, article # 3

Mikhailova T. A., Kashchaeva E. A., Masharov K. S., Buraeva E. A., Popov Yu. V., Verbenko I. A. Climatic factors of the radionuclide composition of atmospheric aerosols in the conditions of Rostov-on-Don. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2020. V. 33. No. 10. P. 762–766. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20201003 [in Russian].
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We present the results of the study of the radionuclide composition of atmospheric aerosols and seasonal behavior of pollutants in the surface air layer in Rostov-on-Don, located in the steppe zone. The data were obtained from the study of atmospheric aerosol samples taken in 2001–2009. The bulk activity of radionuclides was measured using the gamma-spectrometric radionuclide analysis. It is shown that the seasonal behavior of radionuclides in the atmosphere shows spring-summer maxima and autumn-winter minima in their bulk activity. This behavior is caused by changes in weather parameters. According to the index of atmospheric pollution with radionuclides, it is shown that the highest degree of radiation hazard for the city is associated with the product of 222Rn–210Pb decay. The special significance of 137Cs as a potentially dangerous radionuclide in the event of a major nuclear accident is noted.


aerosols, radionuclides, heavy metals


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