Vol. 32, issue 06, article # 11

Dyachkova A. V., Davydov D. K., Fofonov A. V., Krasnov O. A., Golovatskaya E. A., Simonenkov D. V., Nakayama T., Maksyutov Sh. Sh. Effect of anomalous environmental conditions on methane emission on the Bakchar bog nearby Plotnikovo in summer 2018. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 06. P. 482–489. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190611 [in Russian].
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The measurements of methane fluxes (CH4) obtained by the automatic chamber method in the characteristic plant associations on the Plotnikovo section of the Bakchar bog (the Great Vasyugan Mires) in June 2018 are presented. Air sampling was carried out in wet phytocenoses on the hollow-ridge landscape. The period under consideration was characterized by anomalous weather conditions compared with the same periods of previous years: extreme precipitations and high air temperatures. On the basis of the research, the daily dynamics of CH4 emission was revealed. The correlation analysis made it possible to describe the dependences of CH4 fluxes on the hydrometeorological conditions of the surface and upper layers of the bog soil. The high flood of bog waters inhibits the methanogenesis during the period of observation.


wetland ecosystems, terrain-atmosphere gases exchange, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), methane, emission flows


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