Vol. 32, issue 01, article # 8

Starchenko A. V., Kuzhevskaya I. V., Kizhner L. I., Barashkova N. K., Volkova M. A., Bart A. A. Evalution of the TSUNM3 high-resolution mesoscale NWP model. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 01. P. 57-61. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190108 [in Russian].
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The results of the forecast verification of the high-resolution mesoscale model TSUNM3 created at Tomsk State University are presented. The model is intended for forecasting weather elements at the surface and in the atmosphere boundary layer and is used in scientific researches to predict the state of the atmosphere in the Tomsk region up to an altitude of 2.5 km with a lead time of up to 40 hours. It has a higher spatial resolution (1 km) than the model COSMO-Ru14-Sib technology operatively functioning in the Siberian region (grid spacing is 13.2 km). The forecast quality of the temperature-humidity and dynamic characteristics of the atmosphere state by the TSUNM3 model is comparable to the quality of existing operational mesoscale models.


high resolution numerical weather prediction model TSUNM3, weather conditions, forecast verification, forecast quality characteristics


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