Vol. 31, issue 06, article # 13

Belan B. D., Buchelnikov V. S., Lysova V. F., Simonenkov D. V., Talovskaya A. V., Tentyukov M. P., Yazikov E. G. Estimation of the influence of meteorological and orographic conditions on the aerosol contamination of snow cover in south of Tomsk region. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 06. P. 492–500. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180613 [in Russian].
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Dynamics of layer-by-layer variability of aerosol contamination of snow cover in circulating conditions in winter period at the experimental site of the "Fonovaja" observatory (Institute of Atmospheric Optics of SB RAS) in the Tom-Ob interfluve 60 km west of Tomsk is analyzed. The chemical composition of the snow cover at the point of observation is characterized. It is established that in the elemental composition of the aerosol substance accumulated in the snow layer, a typomorphic association of indicator elements associated with coal mining is steadily manifested. The conclusion about the seasonal impact on the aerosol field of the "Fonovaja" observatory of enterprises of the coal-mining complex located to the south of the investigated territory is geochemically substantiated. It has been shown that the detection of remote sources of aerosol contamination of the snow cover is expedient to base on the morphometric analysis of the terrain and a retrospective estimate of the temporal variability of the indicators reflecting the effect of meteorological factors (dispersion ratio of surface aerosol, wind regime, snowfall intensity) and in context of the analysis of the features of the layered distribution of indicator groups of typomorphic elements, characterizing specific types of enterprises, in the snow layer.


wind regime, orographic conditions, relief subdivision, aerosol snow contamination, typomorphic microelements, coal enterprises


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