Vol. 31, issue 06, article # 1

Volkova K. A., Poberovsky A. V., Timofeev Yu. M., Ionov D. V., Holben B. N., Smirnov A., Slutsker I. Aerosol optical characteristics retrieved from measurements of CIMEL sun photometer (AERONET) near Saint Petersburg. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 06. P. 425–431. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180601 [in Russian].
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The measurements of CIMEL CE 318 sun photometer near Saint Petersburg within the International monitoring AERONET network are analysed. Typical regional aerosol optical characteristics (aerosol optical depth, Angstrom exponent, and single scattered albedo) and their variations are determined. Some regularities in variations in the aerosol parameters over the North-West region of the Russian Federation are revealed. The study is supplemented by the joint analysis of data from the nearby AERONET observation sites in Finland and Estonia, satellite measurements, and MERRA reanalysis data.


aerosol optical depth, sun photometer, Angstrom exponent


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