Vol. 31, issue 04, article # 6

Аntokhin P. N., Gochakov A. V., Kolker A. B., Penenko A. V. Comparison of the calculation results of the chemical transport model WRF-CHEM with airborne measurements in Norilsk. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 04. P. 282–287. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180406 [in Russian].
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The verification of the results of WRF-CHEM model simulation of anthropogenic emission distributions over Norilsk industrial zone using airborne sounding data for August 2004 is carried out. The study showed that the selected configuration of the WRF-CHEM v3.5.1 model adequately reproduces the meteorological parameters measured during the campaign of 2004. The simulated distributions of the concentrations of sulphur dioxide and ozone and mass concentration of aerosol qualitatively reproduce the distributions obtained during the airborne sounding. Quantitative estimates show that the standard errors for sulphur dioxide, the mass concentration of aerosol PM2.5, and ozone calculated for three flights are 23 ppb, 2.6 μg/m3, and 9.8 ppb, respectively. Possible reasons for such discrepancies may be incorrect specification of the initial and boundary conditions, inaccurate values of anthropogenic emissions, and limitations to the aerosol and chemical mechanisms used.


airborne sounding, WRF-CHEM model, Norilsk, ozone, anthropogenic pollution



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