Vol. 31, issue 01, article # 8

Аntokhin P. N., Penenko A. V., Antokhina O. Yu. The algorithm for reconstructing the vertical distribution of sources and sinks of a substance in the atmospheric boundary laye. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2018. V. 31. No. 01. P. 49–56. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20180108 [in Russian].
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An algorithm is suggested for solution of the inverse problem of retrieving the vertical distribution of sources and sinks of a substance (ozone) using a finite number of vertical profiles of its concentration. The inverse problem is solved for the pollutant transport model. Missing information on the time dynamics of the source (sink) is compensated by applying a method based on the Tikhonov regularization. The regularization parameter is found from the solution of the auxiliary inverse problem with the parametric specification of an unknown source. The algorithm developed is tested on both synthetic data and real aircraft measurements. In numerical experiments with real data, the vertical distribution of an ozone source (sinks) in the atmospheric boundary layer and lower troposphere was retrieved.


ozone generation, airborne sensing data, inverse source problem, variational approach, Tikhonov regularization


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