Vol. 30, issue 11, article # 8

Starodymova D. P., Vinogradova A. A., Shevchenko V. P., Zakharova E. V., Sivonen V. V., Sivonen V. P. Elemental composition of surface aerosol on the north-western Kandalaksha Bay coast of the White Sea. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 11. P. 956–961. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20171108 [in Russian].
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Aerosol samples PM2.5 (44 pieces) collected in 2013–2014 on the White Sea coast were analyzed on trace-element concentrations. The sampling period was divided in conventional seasons: a snow-cover season with minimal influence of terrestrial dust and two snowless seasons with distinct influences of both anthropogenic and terrigenic sources. The snowless seasons are featured by the highest dispersion of element concentrations. The snow-cover season differs from snowless ones by prevalence of the western direction of transport. The direction analysis of atmospheric transport of pollutants allows distinguishing few groups of elements of natural (La, Nd, Sr, Ga) and mainly anthropogenic origin (V, Ni, Cu and Pb, Bi, Cd).


White Sea, aerosols, PM2.5, heavy metals, atmospheric transport, background regions, backward trajectories


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