Vol. 30, issue 08, article # 8

Dudorov V. V., Eremina A. S. Retrieval of crosswind velocity based on the analysis of remote object images. Part 2. Drift of turbulent volume. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 08. P. 682–690. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170808 [in Russian].
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Possibilities of the crosswind profiling along an observation path of a distant object from the analysis of distortions of atmospheric object images are studied in this work by numerical simulation. The proposed method for wind velocity determination is based on the analysis of two adjacent incoherent images and exhibit higher performance in comparison with counterparts, which is explained by the absence of accumulation of analyzed statistical characteristics. A new method for filtration of turbulent distortions of an image by their characteristic sizes is suggested with the aim of determining the wind velocity at different segments of an observation path. The work shows a possibility of determining the motion velocity under certain turbulent conditions for several (no less than three) layers of turbulent atmosphere, which are located at different positions between observed object and optical system.


turbulent atmosphere, wind velocity, incoherent image


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