Vol. 30, issue 05, article # 14

Pol'kin V. V. Accounting for the dependence of the size boundaries of photoelectric counters on the complex refractive index of the material of aerosol particles. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 05. P. 442–446. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170514 [in Russian].
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On the basis of a common understanding of the calculation of the response R of photoelectric counters to aerosol particles, a formula for R is derived for commercially available counters with a specific geometry and the spectral characteristics of the source and the radiation detector. To correct size ranges of the counters tables are obtained using the Mie theory. The tables call attention to the difference between the complex refractive index of calibration and test particles. Ignorance of the difference can lead to large errors in the determination of particle size. The attention is drawn to the need to consider the dependence of the complex refractive index of particles in different size ranges on the relative air humidity.


aerosol, photoelectric counters, complex refractive index


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