Vol. 30, issue 01, article # 7

Shalygina I. Yu., Nahaev M. I., Kuznetsova I. N., Bеrеzin E. V., Konovalov I. B., Blinov D. V., Kirsanov A. A. Comparison of the ground concentration of the polluting substances calculated by means of xtm with data of measurements in the Moscow region. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2017. V. 30. No. 01. P. 53-59. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20170107 [in Russian].
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Comparisons of model forecasts (XTM CHIMERE and COSMO-RU7-ART) air pollution with data of measurements in Moscow in 2015 are presented. Both HTM use predictive fields of meteorological sizes according to model of the atmosphere of COSMO-RU7. It is established that models underestimate average daily concentration of PM10 and predict with an error on the average of 0,01–0,02 mg of m–3. Concentration of dioxide of XTM COSMO-RU7-ART nitrogen is counted with a margin error on the average by 0,01–0,02 mg of m3, CHIMERE – 0,02–0,03 mg of m–3 (summer of 0,05–0,08 mg of m–3), systematically overestimating NO2. Most often COSMO-RU7-ART underestimates concentration of carbon monoxide (by 0,1–0,2 mg of m–3, a daily maximum on 0,4–0,6 mg of m–3); CHIMERE, on the contrary, systematically overestimates WITH (on 0,2–0,35 mg of m–3, it is frequent on 0,4–0,5 mg of m–3 in the summer). Some results of experiments about influence of a way of definition of height of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) on model calculations of concentration of CO are discussed. PBL paid off: a) directly in XTM CHIMERE, b) in COSMO-RU7.


modeling of air pollution, chemistry-transport model CHIMERE, chemistry-transport model COSMO-RU7-ART, the height of the boundary layer


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