Vol. 29, issue 12, article # 2

Poddubnyi V. A., Pol'kin V. V., Sakerin S. M., Golobokova L. P., Luzhetskaya A. P., Markelov Yu. I., Dubinkina E. S., Khuriganova O. I. Complex aerosol experiment at the Middle Urals. Part 2. Aerosol characteristics in the near-ground atmospheric layer. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 12. P. 1011-1022. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20161202 [in Russian].
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We carry out a comparative analysis of optical, microphysical, and chemical characteristics of aerosol, measured simultaneously in two Middle Ural regions: Yekaterinburg and Kaurovka astronomical observatory (background region). For most aerosol characteristics, the average values in urban zone are found to significantly exceed those in the background region; in particular, black carbon content is higher by a factor of 3.4, number concentration of large particles (r > 0.5 mm) is higher by a factor of 1.57, and aerosol mass concentration is higher by a factor of 1.36. An exception is ion composition of aerosol: concentrations of some ions are higher in Yekaterinburg, while concentrations of most other ions are higher in the background region. Among the main results, there is an identified “city–background” difference in the diurnal behavior of aerosol microphysical characteristics. A characteristic urban feature is minimal concentration of large particles and black carbon at midnight (04:00 LT), which can be explained by reduced effect of traffic and other technogenic sources.


concentration, aerosol, black carbon, fine and coarse fractions, ionic composition, gaseous impurities


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