Vol. 29, issue 06, article # 1

Sitnov S. A., Mokhov I. I., Bezverkhny V. A. Analysis of the connections between total column ozone and precipitable water vapor over European Russia with the North Atlantic Oscillation in the summer of 2010. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 06. P. 457–461. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160601 [in Russian].
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Using satellite data, connections between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the daily anomalies in total column ozone (TCO) and those in precipitable water vapor (PWV) over Europe during the summer of 2010 heatwave were analyzed. The analysis revealed over the northern European Russia (ER) spacious and closely located regions of negative correlation between TCO and NAO and positive correlation between PWV and NAO, with the extreme (maximum) local correlation coefficients up to –0.55 and 0.68, respectively. The results of correlation analysis and cross-wavelet analysis showed that the increased correlations between TCO, PWV, and NAO in the summer of 2010 were mainly due to coherent variations of atmospheric parameters in the period of the destruction of blocking anticyclone.


total column оzone, precipitable water vapor, atmospheric block, European Russia, Russian heat wave in summer 2010, North Atlantic oscillation


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