Vol. 29, issue 03, article # 8

Bazhenov O. E., Burlakov V. D., Grishaev M. V., Gridnev Yu. V., Dolgii S. I., Makeev A. P., Nevzorov A. V., Salnikova N. S., Trifonov D. A., Arshinov M. Yu., Ivlev G. A. Comparison of remote spectrophotometric and lidar measurements of O3, NO2, temperature, and stratospheric aerosol with data of satellite and radiosonde measurements. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 03. P. 216-223. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160308 [in Russian].
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We consider the results of remote spectrophotometric and lidar measurements of the total ozone and nitrogen dioxide contents and temperature obtained at the Siberian Lidar Station (SLS) of V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Tomsk: 56.5°N, 85.0°E) in comparison with the results of analogous satellite measurements.
The ground-based measurements of the total ozone content are performed with the help of a М-124 ozonometer; and the measurements of the NO2 content are carried out with an automated spectrophotometer. The ground-based lidar measurements of temperature are conducted on the basis of SLS measurement complex. These measurements are compared with data of radiosonde and satellite measurements. The satellite measurements are performed by the TOMS and IASI instrumentation.


atmosphere, spectrophotometry, laser sensing, satellite measurements, radiosonde


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