Vol. 29, issue 03, article # 10

Kaloshin G. A., Matvienko G. G., Shishkin S. A., Anisimov V. I., Butuzov V. V., Zhukov V. V., Stolyarov G. V., Pasuk V. P. Potential of the aircraft landing laser system. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 03. P. 232-242. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160310 [in Russian].
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The article presents the calculation results of the laser landing system efficiency (LLS) based on the definition of minimum required fluxes of scattered radiation from fixed extended pinpoints (FEPs), which are the LLS indicators at the visual detection of FEPs in the field conditions. It is shown that the minimal power Pmin = 0.5 W for λ = 0.52 mm and λ = 0.64 mm is required to reliably detect the laser beams of the course glide group at night from distances L ≈ 1.0–1.6 km at Sm = 800 m for deviations from the glide path to the angle φ = 0–5°. In twilight conditions, the green and red laser beams are visible from the distance L = 1–1.2 km for all Sm. When L = 1.6 km laser beams are visible at Sm > 2 km. The presence of commercially available lasers and the calculations confirm the possibility of creation of the LLS based on a new generation of lasers that can ensure aircraft landing satisfying I Category ICAO.


aerosol extinction, visibility, radiative transfer, laser beams, landing system, software package


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