Vol. 29, issue 01, article # 4

Gorchakov G. I., Kopeikin V. M., Karpov A. V., Titov A. A., Buntov D. V., Kuznetsov G. A., Gushchin R. A., Dazenko O. I., Kurbatov G. A., Seregin A. O., Sokolov A. V. Specific charge variations of saltating sand in wind sand flux over desertified area. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2016. V. 29. No. 01. P. 31-39. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20160104 [in Russian].
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First the specific charge probability distribution of the saltating sand over the desertified area has been obtained. The specific charge of the saltating sand was varied between 10 and 150 μC/kg (at the average 48.5 μC/kg) according to the measurement data in Kalmykia over the desertified area. An original setup has been designed whereby the synchronous measurements of the saltating sand concentrations and electric current fluctuations and also the turbulent pulsations of the wind velocity have been carried out over the desertified area in Kalmykia.
First transformation pecularities determined by nonlinear processes in the wind sand flux of the statistical characteristics from the wind velocity to the sand grain concentration and further to the electric current of the saltation have been established. In particular, empirical function distributions and fluctuation power spectra were analyzed.


desertification, wind sand flux, nonlinear processes, saltation, electric current of saltation, specific charge, empirical function distribution, fluctuation power spectra


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