Vol. 28, issue 02, article # 6

Abdullaev S. F., Maslov V. A., Nazarov B. I., Madvaliev U., Davlatshoev T. Content of elements in soil and dust aerosols in Tajikistan. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 02. P. 143-152 [in Russian].
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The geochemical pollution index and integrated pollution index of soil and dust haze samples by heavy metals have been analyzed in Tajikistan. Extremely high value of the index of contamination of samples of soil and dust aerosol by heavy metals such as: bismuth, arsenic, and copper was find. The reason for the enrichment of the soil, particularly, the south-central part of Tajikistan, by bismuth, arsenic, and copper is transboundary pollution transport of the dust storms (dust haze) from neighboring countries. The study of the elemental composition of the surface layer of the soil allows us to state that the northern part of Tajikistan is apparently exposed to powerful influence of industry in the region.


radiation, technological transfer, soil, radioactive contamination


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