Vol. 28, issue 02, article # 2

Banakh V. A., Razenkov I. A. Aerosol lidar for study of the backscatter amplification in the atmosphere. Part II. Construction and experiment. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 02. P. 113-119 [in Russian].
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Construction of the aerosol lidar with two receiving channels for study of the effect of amplification of radiation power backscattered in the atmosphere is described in the paper. One of the receiving (monostatic) channels coincides with the transmitter channel, the other one (bistatic) receives the backscattered radiation at small angle to the probing beam axis. Relation of the echo signal power registered in monostatic channel to that in bistatic channel is a measure of the effect of backscatter amplification. The results of lidar atmospheric experiments show that, as a rule, power of echo-signal registered in monostatic channel exceeds that in bistatic one.


backscatter amplification, turbulent atmosphere, aerosol lidar with two receiving channels


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  2. Razenkov I.A. Ajerozol'nyj lidar dlja nepreryvnyh atmosfernyh nabljudenij // Optika atmosf. i okeana. 2013. V. 26, N 1. P. 52–63.