Vol. 28, issue 01, article # 9

Utkuzova D. N., Han V. M., Vil’fand R. M. Statistical analysis of extreme drought and wet conditions in Russia. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2015. V. 28. No. 01. P. 66-75 [in Russian].
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Statistical analysis of extreme drought and wet conditions in Russia has been conducted using the SPI index calculated over 500 stations with records from 1966 to 2010. Different parameters of SPI frequency distribution and long-term tendencies were calculated, as well as spatial characteristics indicating drought and moisture propagation. Results of the analysis demonstrate a tendency toward an increase in the intensity of drought and moisture extremes in Russia during last years. There are fewer drought in the northern regions. The drought propagation decreases for the European territory of Russia in June and August and increases in July. The tendency for the moisture is opposite. For the Asian territory of Russia, the drought propagation significantly increases in July along with a decrease in moisture.


precipitation, statistical analysis, extreme drought, extreme wet, SPI index, climate variability


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