Vol. 27, issue 12, article # 4

Vinogradova A. A. Anthropogenic black carbon emissions to the atmosphere: surface distribution through Russian territory. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 12. P. 1059-1065 [in Russian].
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Black carbon (BC) is one of the short-living climate significant species оn the global scale. The lack of information on Russian BC emissions to the atmosphere makes it difficult to analyze its long-range transport and to estimate its climate and ecological effects. This work analyzes official Russian state statistic data on anthropogenic emissions from towns and regions (for 2010) and calculates atmospheric BC emission distribution through the territory. Calculations are based on carbon monoxide (CO) emission and BC emission data, assuming proportional correlations between BC and CO emissions for every administrative unit, separately from transport and stationary sources. 54 regions and almost 100 towns are included in the analysis. We regard the area within (50–72°N × 20–180°E), which covers about 94% of Russian territory. We, for the first time, model Russian BC emissions through the territory under investigation in grid cells (1° × 1°). The total annual BC emission from this area is estimated at (210 ± 30) Hz. The main anthropogenic BC sources are situated at industrial regions of the central European part, and in the South of Ural and Western Siberia, as well as on the large sparsely populated Western Siberian territories with natural oil/gas extractive industry.


atmospheric pollution, anthropogenic emissions, black carbon, Russian emissions


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