Vol. 27, issue 12, article # 14

Trigub M. V., Ogorodnikov D. N., Dimaki V. A. Study of metal vapor laser power supply with pulsed charging of storage capacitance. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 12. P. 1112-1115 [in Russian].
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In this paper, the operating modes of a power supply for metal vapor lasers, in particular CuBr lasers, with pulsed charge of working capacitor were studied. A half-bridge inverter has a function of charging circuit for the storage capacitor. By varying the ratio of capacitances in the half-bridge circuit and the storage capacitor we observed different modes characterized by different charging time of the storage capacitor and amplitude of charging current. Based on requirements for a laser designed, it is useful to choose different operating modes of the inverter. When developing a high-frequency laser, it is better to use the operating mode with total discharge of capacitances in the half-bridge circuit, because it provides more time for closing the switch.


metal-vapor laser, copper-bromide laser, power supply, charge circuit, simulation


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