Vol. 27, issue 08, article # 9

Kochetkova O. S., Mordvinov V. I., Rudneva M. A. Analysis of the factors affecting the occurrence of stratospheric warming. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 08. P. 719-727 [in Russian].
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We study sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) which is important element in the dynamics of climate system and impacts weather anomalies in the troposphere. We compared the temperature in the stratosphere with the characteristics of circulation in the troposphere and stratosphere in the winters of 2008/09 and 2012/13. We found that SSW is associated with increased stationary orographic waves. Blocking anticyclones in the troposphere are destroyed for 15–20 days before the onset of SSW. Distribution of torsional oscillations in the stratosphere from the low-latitude area contributed to the development of the SSW.


weather, atmosphere, troposphere-stratosphere interaction


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