Vol. 27, issue 03, article # 5

Abdullaev S. F., Maslov V. A., Nazarov B. I., Madvaliev U., Djuraev A. A., Davlatshoev T. Dynamics of the distribution of heavy metals and radioactive isotopes in soil and dust aerosol samples from south of Tajikistan. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2014. V. 27. No. 03. P. 207–214 [in Russian].
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The paper considers the distribution of heavy metals, the most dangerous contaminants of soil. In the composition of dust aerosol samples, an increased content of Ca, Zn, and Sr is shown in comparison with soil from zone of dust haze spread. In the soil of the zone of dusty haze in 2008–2010, concentration of Cr, Rb, Eu, Cs, and Co was reduced, and of Mn, Ba, Ce, La, Yb, and Th was increased; concentrations of other elements were maximal in 2009. The dynamics of the content of isotopes in the samples of dust haze, collected in 2007–2010, was studied. Distribution of isotopes in the soil from the south to the north of Tajikistan has been uneven, with a maximum in Dushanbe.


heavy metals, dust haze, dust storm, soil, X-ray fluorescence analysis of soil, elemental composition, isotopes, clarke


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