Vol. 26, issue 09, article # 12

Solomatov D. V., Afonin S. V., Belov V. V. Construction of cloud mask and removal of semitransparent clouds on ETM+/Landsat-7 satellite images. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 09. P. 798-803 [in Russian].
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We analyzed the existing software for atmospheric correction of satellite data in the channels of the visible range, their advantages and disadvantages. The architecture of software complex, developed at Institute of Atmospheric Optics for atmospheric correction of satellite measurements, is presented. We consider the application of algorithms for the purpose of constructing the cloud mask and removing the semitransparent clouds by the example of satellite images of ETM+/Landsat-7 instrument.


algorithms, satellite data, atmospheric correction, cloudiness, software


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