Vol. 26, issue 06, article # 4

Netsvetaeva O. G., Chipanina E. V., Obolkin V. A., Zimnik E. A., Sez'ko N. P., Lopatina I. N., Khodzher T. V. Peculiarities of chemistry of atmospheric precipitations at stations Listvyanka (Irkutsk region) and Primorskaya (Primorye territory). // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2013. V. 26. No. 06. P. 466-471 [in Russian].
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Results of studies of ion composition and acidity of atmospheric precipitations at two rural stations of EANET network - Listvyanka (Irkutsk district) and Primorskaya (Primorskiy district) - are considered for period 2005-2011. The studies have shown that precipitations at Listvyanka station in average have lower mineralization but higher acidification as compared with Primorskaya site. During considered period at Listvyanka station the mineralization and pH of precipitations increased while at Primorskaya station they decreased. The contribution of nitrates into precipitation and their concentrations acidity have been growing during the considered period and their concentrations. Model HYSPLIT was used to estimate the influence of possible external sources on formation of chemical composition of precipitation. Analysis of air mass back trajectories has shown that the lowest precipitation pH at Primorskaya station in 2011 was observed during the entering of south-west cyclones from territories of China and Korea. In Listvyanka, higher precipitation acidity took place with air mass transfer from north-west, when precipitations were formed over industrial regions of East Siberia.


monitoring, precipitation, chemical composition, mineralization, ion concentration, pH, transboundary transport, back trajectories, model HYSPLIT


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