Vol. 24, issue 11, article # 15

Kozyrev A. V., Kozhevnikov V. Yu., Kostyrya I. D., Rybka D. V., Tarasenko V. F., Shitz D. V. Radiation of diffuse corona discharge in atmosphere-pressured air. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2011. V. 24. No. 11. P. 1009-1017 [in Russian].
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In the atmosphere-pressured air optical and X-radiation of corona discharge is investigated. Spectra of optical radiation in range 200-850 nm are obtained under various parameters of voltage pulse. It was shown that by increasing the voltage pulse, the corona discharge mode changes so that the discharge becomes a source of UV radiation not only of nitrogen 2+ bands, but the bands from cathode matter as well. Also it was shown that formation of diffusive corona discharges in nonuniform electric field under high pressures is conditioned by fast electrons and X-rays generation. It was determined that fast electrons from atmospheric discharges generate K radiation quanta with energies of 525 eV. Calculations show that radiation quanta may effectively initiate new electrons near strong field area. This process explains the formation of diffusive discharge types for positive polarity electrode with small radius of curvature under the atmospheric pressure as well as fast movement cathode streamer.


radiation of corona discharge, streamer, runaway electrons, characteristic X-ray radiation, atmospheric pressured air