Vol. 2, issue 11, article # 9

Banakh V. A., Kerkis N. N., Smalikho I. N. Thermal blooming of laser beams along inhomogeneous paths in a turbulent atmosphere. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1989. V. 2. No. 11. P. 996-1001.    PDF
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The effect of turbulence on the distribution of the average intensity of a partially coherent laser beam propagating in the atmosphere under conditions of thermal blooming along vertical and inclined paths is studied. It is shown that in calculations of the thermal distortions of laser beams with visible and IR wavelengths in the atmospheric turbulence must be taken into account for many situations of practical importance. Formulas that permit finding from the values of a collection of functions at the boundary of the effective layer of the atmosphere x the dimensions and the displacement of a beam on any path x > xe without direct calculation of the average intensity distribution are derived.


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