Vol. 2, issue 08, article # 3

Ippolitov I. I., Krakovetskii Yu. K., Marichev V. N., Popov L. N., Fedotov I. I. Investigation of the meridional profile of Na emission in the upper atmosphere at high latitudes. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1989. V. 2. No. 08. P. 666-670.    PDF
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The paper presents some results of the experimental studies of the Na yellow emission in the upper atmosphere of high latitudes carried out using a scanning photometer. The effect of the upper atmospheric excitation by an extraterrestrial electrons inflow was monitored by N2+ emission at λ= 4278 A. The analysis has shown that during the auroral events in the Northern hemisphere of the 2nd and 3rd power the maximum of Na emission at yellow doublet is maximum near zenith. When the auroras shift to the south the positions of emissions maxima at λ= 4278 A and λ= 5890 and 5896 A become close to each other.


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