Vol. 2, issue 07, article # 8

Zuev V. E., Belan B. D., Veretennikov V. V., Velikhanova L. G., Panchenko M. V., Rakhimov R. F. Optical manifestations of noncondensation aerosol clouds. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1989. V. 2. No. 07. P. 605-609.    PDF
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The paper presents the calculational results on spectral behavior of the extinction coefficients and lidar ratio obtained using the experimental data on microstructure and chemical composition of noncondensational clouds. The comparison made between the calculated values of scattering coefficients and measurement data allowed the modification of the technique for assessing the optical characteristics to be made. The analysis made in the paper showed that the noncondensational clouds can be easily detected and identified by a multifrequency technique (better in the near IR region).


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