Vol. 2, issue 05, article # 17

Astafurov V. G. On lidar return photocount statistics. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1989. V. 2. No. 05. P. 444-446.    PDF
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The use of asymptotic distributions to describe the unconditional statistical characteristics of photoelectrons produced by lidar returns is discussed. Results of model calculations of the introduced degeneracy parameter are presented. This parameter takes into account the fluctuations of the backscattering coefficient, the transmission function, and the energy of the sounding pulse.


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2. G.N. Glasov and V.M. Dubyagin, Kvant. Elektron., 6, No. 11, 2422 (1979).
3. R.A. McClatchey, R.W. Fenn, F.E. Volz et al., Optical Properties of the Atmosphere, Report AFCRL-71-0279. Environmental Research Papers, No. 354, 85 (1971).