Vol. 17, issue 12, article # 5

Balin Yu. S., Ershov A. D., Konyaev P. A., Lomakin D. S. Monitoring of the aerosol formations travel velocity in the atmosphere by use of video and lidar data . // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 12. P. 885-890.    PDF
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We discuss some problems in determining the travel velocity of aerosol formations from synchronous lidar and video observations carried out from the same point. Different atmospheric situations, in which the estimation of spatial scales of video images is to be done, are considered. The method of processing video information is based on the correlation tracking technique applied to moving objects. The spatial correlation analysis of video frames in the computer is carried out using the mixed-radix Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. Experimental data on the estimated velocity of smoke plumes and cloud formations are presented as an example.