Vol. 17, issue 08, article # 7

Komarov V. S., Lavrinenko A. V., Lomakina N. Ya., Popov Yu. B., Popova A. I., Ilin S. N. Spatial extrapolation of meteorological fields in mesoscale range based on the mixed four-dimensional dynamic-stochastic model and the Kalman filtering apparatus. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2004. V. 17. No. 08. P. 584-589.    PDF
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A technique and algorithm of mesometeorological field spatial extrapolation based on the mixed four-dimensional dynamic-stochastic model and the Kalman filtering apparatus are considered. The statistical estimates of the quality of the proposed algorithm as applied to spatial extrapolation of the mesoscale wind and temperature fields to a territory uncovered by observations are discussed.