Vol. 15, issue 05-06, article # 21

Borodulin A. I., Desyatkov B. M., Sarmanaev S. P., Lapteva N. A., Yarygin A. A. Errors in the emission rate estimated from solution of the inverse problem on the diffusion of an atmospheric pollutant. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2002. V. 15. No. 05-06. P. 453-457.    PDF
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When solving inverse problems, experimentally measured pollutant concentrations are usually used, but these values are subject to statistical scatter, which generally arises due to the turbulent nature of the pollutant diffusion process and due to measurement errors. In this paper we estimate the errors in determination of the emission rate of a pollution source. The practical examples presented demonstrate the importance of considering this factor in tackling specific tasks.