Vol. 15, issue 04, article # 8

Voronin B. A., Voronina S. S. Contribution of weak water vapor absorption lines to extinction of narrow-band laser radiation in atmospheric microwindows. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2002. V. 15. No. 04. P. 321-324.    PDF
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The contribution of weak water vapor lines, which are ignored in the HITRAN 2000 database, to atmospheric extinction of narrow-band laser radiation in the range of 9466 cm-1 is estimated. Water vapor absorption in this range was studied in some earlier papers. Due to appearance of new ab initio calculations of water vapor lines, including those ignored in atlases, the extra contribution of weak water vapor lines can be estimated now. It may prove to be significant and reach 10-20%. Thus the problem of anomalous absorption in this range can be solved.