Vol. 10, issue 04-05, article # 2

Kabanov M. V., Tikhomirov A. A. Engineering support of fundamental research in atmospheric optics: results of 25-year activity of the Design and Technology Institute "Optika". // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1997. V. 10. No. 04-05. P. 236-248.    PDF
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An activity of the IDT «Optika» SB RAS for 25-year period is briefly summarized. Concise description and the specifications are presented of major designs for the atmospheric optics, which were implemented in practical use or were produced as small lots: laser navigation systems; ground-based, aircraft-and space born lidars; instrumentation and systems for ecological and meteorological monitoring of the atmosphere; optical devices and units. The specifications of many designed apparatus are compared with the best world analogues.