Vol. 32, issue 04, article # 3

Tarasenkov M. V., Belov V. V., Poznaharev E. S. Statistical simulation of the characteristics of diffuse underwater optical communication. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2019. V. 32. No. 04. P. 273–278. DOI: 10.15372/AOO20190403 [in Russian].
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Using an algorithm of the Monte Carlo method with modified double local estimation, the impulse response of the link of non-line-of-site underwater communication on scattered radiation is simulated for base distances between the source and the receiver from 10 to 100 m at a wavelength of 0.5 mm. The received radiation power and the maximal repetition frequency of pulses transmitted through the communication link are estimated based on the impulse response.


underwater optical communication, NLOS diffuse link, Monte-Carlo method


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