Vol. 3, issue 08, article # 4

Sarmin S. E. Investigation of the effect of the optical characteristics and arrangement of clouds on the spatial and angular distribution of the light field. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 1990. V. 3. No. 08. P. 747-752.    PDF
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An algorithm for studying light fields in a cloudy atmosphere is constructed based on the small-angle modification of the method of spherical harmonics. The effect of the optical characteristics and the position of the cloud layer on the spatial and angular distribution of the light field is investigated. It is shown, based on a criterion introduced for evaluating the quality of image transmission, that as the distance between the object and the scattering layer increases, in spite of the fact that the optical transfer function of the medium degrades monotonically, the quality of image transmission can decrease or increase monotonically and can be of an extremal character.


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